Hardy Drought Tolerant Lawn Seed 1kg
Hardy Drought Tolerant Lawn Seed 1kg
Ideal for home lawns, where a quick cover is desired. This blend
is dark green in colour and has a great texture. Perennial Ryegrass will establish rapidly and gives the turf superior wear resistance. Contains fine textured cool season grasses for year round colour and Couch Grass for summer drought tolerance. Grow Better Hardy and Drought Tolerant Lawn Seed Blend creates an easy to establish lush, green lawn that will grow in full sun and medium shade conditions found in most gardens. It grows in most soil types, is hardwearing and remains green all year round.
Planting a Beautiful "Grow Better" Lawn
Best Planting Time: Plant all year round. See instructions below for late Spring or
Summer planting
Step 1. Dig soil to a depth of 10cm. Work the top 3cm of soil to a fine smooth texture (a load of sandy loam topsoil will help). On hard clay soils, apply Grow Better Gypsum.
Step 2. Check soil acidity - pH of 6 to 7 is ideal. Adjust acid soils with Grow Better Garden Lime.
Step 3. Rake Lawn Starter into the soil. Spread Grow Better Hardy and Drought Tolerant Lawn Seed Blend evenly, firm down or tread seed into surface.
Step 4. Water with fine spray and keep damp until lawn is established (1 to 3 weeks). Lawns sown in late Spring or Summer need frequent watering during the first summer.
Step 5. Mow when grass is 5cm high, removing the top 2cm. Keeping Your Lawn Healthy and Weed-Free
Feeding: Lawns need regular feeding to resist wear, disease and heat stress. Feed in Spring, early Summer and Autumn with Grow Better Lawn Food.
Watering: Regular deep watering is better than frequent light applications and makes lawn care easier and more water efficient