Sharp Shooter Pest Oil 750ml
Sharp Shooter Pest Oil 750ml
Features and Benefits
- Organic
- Ideal for Flowers, Fruit Trees, Ornamentals, INdoor and Outdoor Plants
Directions of Use
Ready-to-Use Instructions
Shake well before use. Keep the spray agitated (i.e. shake at regular intervals). Thoroughly wet both sides of the foliage until run-off. Repeat spraying may be required depending on plant and pest. For fruit trees and roses spray in winter after pruning and before bud burst. Dead scale may remain on the plant for a few weeks after spraying.
DO NOT use on Glen Retreat variety of mandarins. DO NOT spray if shade temperatures exceed 32°C, (35°C for citrus), or when soil is dry and plants are suffering from moisture stress. Certain plants and plant varieties are sensitive to oil sprays. Test on a small sample first if in doubt. DO NOT apply with carbaryl, lime sulphur or sulphur containing sprays. DO NOT apply for at least one month after spraying with sulphur or lime sulphur